【收工最緊要睇戲】一頁百紙 一詩漣漪

Published on 06-03-2023




相較於其意義,電影故事線極簡,Paterson (Adam Driver飾)是住在新澤西州Paterson的巴士司機和詩人,電影就是Paterson與太太Laura(Golshifteh Farahani飾)及小狗Marvin一星期的生活。

No complain,Paterson談起生活的標準答案,每天跟著自己的標準程序,6時15分前自然醒,吃牛奶早餐榖物,散步上班,收工散步回家晚餐,放狗並去酒吧喝杯啤酒。生活最大的「不穩定」就是太太每天的異想天開,或者巴士久不久一次壞車。




詩,是Paterson的核心,也是貫穿整部電影軸心。Paterson在能夠思考的時間,都化成寫詩的Me Time,無論是吃早餐、散步抑或上班開車,只要能思考都在創作,任何細節都是題材。

Love Poem

We have plenty of matches in our house.
We keep them on hand always.
Currently our favorite brand is Ohio Blue Tip,
though we used to prefer Diamond brand.
That was before we discovered Ohio Blue Tip matches.
They are excellently packaged, sturdy
little boxes with dark and light blue and white labels
with words lettered in the shape of a megaphone,
as if to say even louder to the world,
“Here is the most beautiful match in the world,
its one-and-a-half-inch soft pine stem capped
by a grainy dark purple head, so sober and furious
and stubbornly ready to burst into flame,
lighting, perhaps, the cigarette of the woman you love,
for the first time, and it was never really the same
after that. All this will we give you.”
That is what you gave me, I
become the cigarette and you the match, or I
the match and you the cigarette, blazing
with kisses that smoulder toward heaven.


Another One

When you’re a child you learn there are three dimensions
Height, width and depth
Like a shoebox
Then later you hear there’s a fourth dimension
Then some say there can be five, six, seven…
I knock off work
Have a beer at the bar
I look down at the glass and feel glad.



那一個周六,心懷創業夢的Laura製作cup cake參與市集,大受歡迎,帶老公外出慶功,獨留家中的性格巨星Marvin把Paterson 大意遺下、唯一一本且沒有聽老婆囑咐留副本的詩作筆記本咬成碎片。


Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with a raincoat on.


Sometimes an empty page presents most possibilities.


The Line

There’s an old song
my grandfather used to sing
that has the question,
“Or would you rather be a fish?”
In the same song
is the same question
but with a mule and a pig,
but the one I hear sometimes
in my head is the fish one.
Just that one line.
Would you rather be a fish?
As if the rest of the song
didn’t have to be there.



電影有些相對隱閉的符號,比如說Laura 某天起床對Paterson分享自己昨晚夢到生了一對雙胞胎。隨後電影中出現不尋常地多的雙胞胎角色,那會不會一切都是Paterson 的自創維度?

如此有趣電影,導演當然非等閑之輩。Jim Jarmusch為美國獨立電影教父,獨立電影是「缺錢」代名詞,即使如Jim Jarmusch,找幾百萬美元資金也不容易,傳统製片商亦難以投資於Paterson此類題材。幸而,電影屬首批Amazon Studios發行電影。創意加點時勢,電影的誕生本身就頗夢幻。


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