
Published on 12-02-2021

自從WhatsApp 宣佈會和Facebook資訊分享後,Signal 和Telegram下載量都急增,當中Signal更成為香港Android和iOS熱門雙冠王、Telegram 更宣佈過去72小時內,全球用戶增加了2500萬人。


can see what you’re saying and may use that information for its own marketing purposes, which may include advertising on Facebook. To make sure you’re informed, we clearly label conversations with businesses that are choosing to use hosting services from Facebook.

New commerce features: People increasingly want to be able to shop from businesses online. With Facebook branded commerce features like Shops, some businesses will display their goods right within WhatsApp so people can see what’s available to buy. If you choose to interact with Shops, your shopping activity can be used to personalize your Shops experience and the ads you see on Facebook and Instagram. Features like this are optional and when you use them we will tell you in the app how your data is being shared with Facebook.

Discovering a business: You may see an ad on Facebook with a button to message a business using WhatsApp. If you have WhatsApp installed on your phone, you’ll have the option to message that business. Facebook may use the way you interact with these ads to personalize the ads you see on Facebook.

同時Facebook 大中華區副總裁梁幼莓(Jayne Leung )於個人Facebook進行非官方式澄清,Facebook暫時行動只是商業化行為,個人訊息仍受加密技術保護。

不過以非官方渠道及拒絕用戶留言等行為,相信Facebook對自己的龍頭地位十分有信心及認為用戶就算登記完新IM App,最後也只會回到WhatsApp。

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Facebook 大中華區副總裁梁幼莓(Jayne Leung ) Facebook

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