【創科新異】商業為天 Nokia與技術總監割席

Published on 13-07-2019

Nokia技術總監(CTO)Marcus Weldon上月接受BBC訪問,警告英國不應使用中國網絡設備,但Nokia隨即割席。

Nokia’s chief technology officer Marcus Weldon told the BBC that the UK should be wary of using the Chinese hardware.

Marcus Weldon 認為為了安全起見,英國不應該使用中國品牌的網絡設備。因為華為對於安全問題不於重視,相對於修復(Fix)更傾向於粉飾太平。

Mr Weldon added: “Some of it seems to be just sloppiness, honestly, that they haven’t patched things, they haven’t upgraded. But some of it is real obfuscation, where they make it look like they have the secure version when they don’t.”

He said Huawei’s telecoms kit had vulnerabilities that meant it posed a risk to 5G networks.


Mr Weldon said the pressure from the US was serving as a counterbalance to unfair financial advantages that Huawei had enjoyed in the past.

“It’s fairness returning to the market,” he told the BBC.

“We were disadvantaged in the past relative to the practices that the Chinese were allowed to have in terms of funding mechanisms.”

Weldon 認為美國的近期舉動令市場回歸公平競爭,而不再是單單的價格因素。

Mr Weldon said: “That means being wary of adding Chinese vendors into network infrastructure, as long as these security vulnerabilities are either provably there or likely to be there based on past practices.”

He said Huawei represented a risk relative to Nokia and Ericsson.

而受歐盟監管及GDPR條例管理的Nokia 及Ericsson會否更安全

A Huawei spokesman said: “We have a proven track record of delivering secure, trustworthy and high-quality products to every major telecoms operator in Europe. Cyber-security remains Huawei’s top priority and here, in the UK, we are subject to the most rigorous oversight compared to any competitors in our sector.”


Nokia 於6月28日出官方聲明指其CTO Marcus Weldon 言論不代表公司立場,這是為了中國的新一輪招標嗎?


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